#scrap20 Week 1 Check Point

Last week, I announced the August #scrap20 Page Challenge. Through this challenge you can get some pages done, share artwork and earn a chance to win a PRIZE!

To participate, simply return to this website each Friday in August to report your progress toward completing 20 scrapbook pages. You'll be entered in the drawing to win a prize bundle from the yet-to-be-released Holiday Expressions Idea Book!

What did Rebecca finish this week?

This week, I completed two 2-page layouts (4 pages total). Both layouts featured my daughter's Senior pictures taken by the fabulous Ashleigh Murphy of Anew Market Creations.

Layout 1 - Beautiful Senior

These photos were taken on a beautifully overcast (perfect for taking pictures) day in downtown Kirkwood, MO. We had so much fun wandering taking pictures on the sidewalks as well as the library, greenhouse, train station and candy store.  Don't you agree that Ashleigh did an amazing job capturing Emily's personality with creative perspectives?

The rich colors of the Documented (August Collection of the Month) papers and embellishments are perfect for these Black & White shots.

The words from the zip strip were perfect descriptions for this girl and I was able to match them up with pictures and fun pieces from the Complements pack. Love how well it all came together.

Layout 2 -  More Senior Pictures

The second layout I finished this week showcases a few more of the Senior Pictures Ashleigh took.  However, this layout is made with new products from the Holiday Expressions Idea Book that will not go live until September. So at this time I'm only going to give you a SNEAK PEEK.

Don't you love that chipped painted wood paper? So much fun!! You'll love the other papers as well.  I promise to show you this complete layout in early September.

Check in to win!

My tally: 4 pages down, 16 to go.

How many pages have you done? Comment your count below before next Friday and you'll be entered to win a new product bundle from the Holiday Expressions Idea Book! Then be sure to check back next week to update your count to get another ticket in the drawing. In the mean time, share your completed pages on social media using the hashtag #scrap20!

Can't wait to see what you make!