Join the #scrap20 Page Challenge (August 2018)

Ready to get your scrap on? I'm excited to invite you to join me in August for the #scrap20 Challenge. Through this challenge you'll get some pages done, share artwork and earn a chance to win a PRIZE! Read on to learn why I created this challenge and how you can participate. 

This fall, there are going to be a lot of changes around our house. My one and only daughter is headed off to college. Her presence here will truly be missed, but I have to admit that I am looking forward to a little more time (in theory?) to work on my projects. I'm looking forward to doing more of what I love: Scrapbooking!


The primary reason I joined Close To My Heart in 2010 was to get a discount on beautiful scrapbooking supplies. However over the years, I've gradually filled more and more of my creative time with working on projects for my business, leaving less time to work on my personal scrapbooks. Although "catching up" is certainly a motivator, the primary reason I created this challenge is to get back to a hobby that I love!

Thus, I now declare to you "starting in August I'm committed to finding more time to work on my memory albums". Now, I've been around long enough to know that making a general statement like that is not enough to get it done. To succeed, I need to set a specific target and that my odds of success improve greatly if I share my goal with someone else.

Setting a Target

As with any task, the best way for me to make progress in my scrapbooks is to break down what I need to do into manageable steps and set a numerical goal. Based on my other commitments, I figured most weeks, I should be able to find time to do 2 or 3 layouts. That averages out to around 20 pages per month. I'm targeting 20 completed pages in August.

A key word in my target is "completed". I'd be embarrassed to count the number of incomplete pages I have --- in fact many are 90% done (many just missing journaling). To be clear, I'm making a rule to only going to count COMPLETED pages. That means that the pictures are attached, journaling is done and the pages are in the appropriate album on the shelf. 

However, I will allow myself to count previously incomplete pages that I put the finishing touches on. Hopefully, this will motivate me to do that last 10% left to be done and drive up my complete pages count up.

Sharing my Goal (#scrap20 Challenge)

Life is always more fun with friends! So I'd like to invite you to join me in the #scrap20 Challenge if you are like me and needing some motivation to make time for scrapbooking. For me, it's so easy to let work, Facebook, cooking, cleaning, Facebook, shopping, church, reading, Facebook, talking on the phone and Facebook fill up all the extra time in my life. So, let's put down our smart phones and pick up a paper trimmer and get some pages done in August! 

Need another incentive? How about BRAND STINKIN' NEW SCRAPBOOKING PRODUCTS? One lucky participant in the challenge will receive a prize bundle from the yet-to-be-released Holiday Expressions Idea Book!!! This beautiful catalog has five beautiful new paper collections, tons of embellishments, new tools and so much more. You will love it! 

To participate in this challenge, simply click on the link below to register. 

To be eligible for the drawing, comment about your progress on the weekly Challenge Update Post that will go live each Friday afternoon. In these weekly posts, I'll update my counts and show you some of the pages I've completed. You may want to bookmark this page so it's easy to come back. Or join my mailing list and you'll get a blog post summary in your inbox each Friday evening. You can earn one drawing entry EACH week and you have until the following Thursday at midnight to post your progress.

Important note: Regardless of how many pages you create during August, you are eligible to win the prize bundle if you participate and post update(s). The important thing is that you set a goal, create some pages and log your progress! 

If you are a Close To My Heart consultant, you are welcome to play along, but you will not be eligible for prizes. 

More Fun

Let's motivate each other by sharing pictures of our completed pages! There are two ways you can share:
1) Add a link to your pictures in the blog comments when you post your progress.
2) Use the hashtag #scrap20 when you post pictures of your pages on Social Media.

Summary of Steps:
1) Register for the challenge
2) Create 20 (or more or less) scrapbook pages in August
3) Post pictures of your layouts using #scrap20 hashtag
4) Log your progress each week at

I'm excited about this challenge and hope you will join me! Now let's go knock out some pages!
