Studio J --- the GTD (Get Things Done) Scrapbooking Program

Are you familiar with the acronym "GTD", as in GTD apps? If not, I bet you have used them. I have a lot of apps that help me get through my day --- reminders for medicine, my food diary, calendar, contact lists, to do lists and much more are stored on my phone using "Get Things Done" apps. These programs help me make sure that I get done what needs to get done during my day.

What about scrapbooking --- do you wish you had a GTD app that speed up the process so you could be {closer to} caught up? Do you ever do pages just to get them done --- sticking your photos on the pages with just mats and jots of journaling (if you are lucky)?

I certainly have plenty of page where I have chosen simplicity in the name of getting things done. However, I have learned that if I use Studio J I can get things done quickly but still have beautiful pages like the one below.

With this digital scarpbooking program, I don't have to sacrifice beauty for time. My pages can have a theme, beautiful titles, (readable) journaling plus embellishments galore!

Also, you also don't have to sacrifice options! With Studio J you can be as creative (or not) as you want because within this program you can choose between three creativity tiers:

Tier 1 - Express Collections
With the pre-designed pages in the Express Collections you simply drop your photos in, add some journaling (optional) and edit the title (optional) and you have a beautiful page. This fast track system is what I used for the layout above. Here's what it looked like before I even clicked the mouse:

As you can see the colors, title and embellishments were perfect a Disney page and I simply dropped in my pictures from our Breakfast with Mickey and added a few notes about the event. It took me all of 5 minutes tops!

In addition to the Zoe Express Collection, a new Sangria collection was just added! Each of these include 5 layouts.

Tier 2 - Paper Kits + Patterns
The next tier on the creativity meter is found when you choose "Create a Custom Layout" on the Studio J project wizard. You will then get to pick from (currently) 137 paper packs and 72 layout patterns. You can filter each of these lists down to help you find what will work for your current project.

A few of the 137 paper packs in Studio J

Sample of the layout patterns

Once you have picked your paper and layout, you are then free to customize to your heard desire by dropping in pictures, changing the papers, and adding journaling, titles and embellishments until you are satisfied with your creation.

Tier 3 - No Limits
The final tier of creativity is also found in "Choose a Custom Layout" except after you choose your paper pack, you pick the "No Limits" pattern. This special layout is simply two 12" x 12" photo wells. You can change them to journaling boxes and fill with a solid or patterned paper. Now consider them as blank pieces of paper -- just like you would have if you were doing a paper layout and had picked out your base papers. From there you can add all the elements you need to complete you layouts

Regardless of what level of creativity you use in Studio J, you will find that this really is a "getting it done" program. A few years ago, I created my first two Studio J layouts in just 30 minutes while waiting for my daughter to get ready for school in the morning. I had actually not even logged into the program before that session! The learning curve for using this program really is that fast.

Are you ready to Get Things Done? Try Studio J today for free by creating an account HERE then stepping through the intuitive wizard steps.

If you have any questions along the way, give me a holler. I'd love to help you.
