Santa Pop Up Card

I am having lots of fun with products from the new Holidays from the Heart mini-catalog.  I have a fun interactive card to show you today. 

Once again, I turned to silver embossing powder. Love this stuff! It really made Santa and his sleigh pop off the Ruby paper. 

I really wanted to make the sleigh fly and decided to use a pop-up card from the Artiste Cricut cartridge. First, I cut the "LOVE" card insert on page 51 of the handbook (Shift, Accent) from the dotted B&T paper. 

Then I covered the word LOVE with the stamped cardstock. Here's a view from the side.

Slate Ink

To see more projects using Holiday Gift Guide products, visit my fellow CTMH consultants participating in this hop by clicking on the photos below. 

This blog hop is open for members of the CTMH Blog Boosters. Please do not enter if you are not a member of the group. If you are a consultant, you can join the group on facebook. If you are interested in becoming a consultant, I'd love to help get you started!

Keep creating,
