Artiste Key Notes #5–My Halloween Mantel

Today, I am showing off my beautiful banner that my daughter made for my mantel.  Big thank you goes to my sister-in-law, Stephanie, who shared the Cricut cut sizes that she used for her similar banner.


Isn't it cute? She made this using the fun Halloween images on page 77 of the Artiste Cricut cartridge handbook. Have I told you how much I love that the images on each key of this cartridge work together to create fun and unique projects?

p 77

Want to make one for yourself? A list of the cuts and a few hints are below. All papers listed are from the Moonlight paper pack. Please note that although the picture of the Spellbinder workshop was used as inspiration for this banner, Emily and Stephanie did not have access the instructions and they made a few modifications in the design. Their creation may have different measurement than that pattern.

Artiste Cricut Cuts:
Owl/leave B&T – Cut 2 of <Accent 1> at 8”
Striped B&T – Cut 2 of <Accent 1 (shift)> at 8”
Black check B&T – Cut 1 of <Accent 1> at 8”
Black cardstock – Cut 4 <Accent 2> at 2”; cut 3 <Accent 2 (shift)> at 5”; Cut 1 <Boo (shift)> at 2.25”, Cut 2 <Accent 4 (shift)> at 2.5”
Colonial White cardstock – Cut 5 circles (p. 48 <card>) at 3”
Goldrush cardstock – Cut 5 <3D Object (shift)> at 4” with real dial size selected

The rosettes under the spiders were a challenge at first, but we have a few tips to help you.

We recommend first scoring the rosettes every 1/2”. We lined the score marks up with the groove in the paper trimmer and traced them with the bone folder to make nice straight lines.

Then accordion fold (mountain/valley) the entire length.

Each rosette will take two of the border strips which you will attach at the ends. Make sure that you position them together so that you don’t mess up the mountain/valley pattern of the folds. To secure them, we used tombow tape runner (for immediate stick) with a few dots of liquid glass (for permanent hold).

Each rosette is now a ring of paper. Prepare a circle of paper (scrap approximately 2” diameter) for the base by filling it with several glue dots (immediate) plus some liquid glass (permanent). Set the ring on the table with the fancy side down. (Note: After taking this picture, we decided it was better to have the circle off to the side instead of setting in the middle of the ring. But I forgot to retake the picture.)


Then flatten by squishing the top edge down on the table and toward the center. Lay the prepared base with sticky side down on top of the rosette. To keep it in position, set something on top to hold while the glue sets. We used a large My Acrylix block.


The cut from the Goldrush paper may have seemed odd since we are not making the owl bag. Take another look at the picture…do you see them? That’s right, the “eyes” become the scalloped circle on each banner piece. How creative is that?


I hope this project has inspired you. I'd love to see you creations - post a link to your picture in the comment section!