My Pretty Pemberley Chore Chart

My fun, carefree (busy) summer has come to an end. Sigh. While we have been out enjoying the warm (hot!) weather, housework has not been a top priority.
NOW, it is time to get down to business and get things back in order. Since school has started, I'm trying to build routines so I am not doing major crisis cleaning every time there is a chance that someone will step through my door.
Today's project is just the thing to get me in gear!

This newest addition to my kitchen wall is both functional and decorative. A few years ago, I adapted the Fly Lady routines to my personal space. Since then, I've fallen off the wagon, but decided it was time to revive those practices. In the past, I have tried putting my to do lists in a binder or inside the pantry. You've heard the saying "Out of sight, out of mind"? Well, that is exactly what happens to my to do lists if they are tucked away. I completely forget what I am supposed to be doing and at the end of the week, the house is a mess.
So this time to ensure that the chores actually get done, I'm putting the list on a prominent wall between my kitchen and breakfast table. Of course, I can only do this if it is pretty! No computer print offs stuck with magnets to the fridge for me. Fortunately, the yellows and blues in the Pemberley paper matches my decor in this area perfectly.

The chart includes six tags stored in a decorate Memory Protector Photo Storage Page. The first five tags are my to-do lists for each day from Monday to Friday. The last tag is the current week's "Zone". If you are familiar with Fly Lady, you know that dividing your home into zones is a good way to spread the more detailed cleaning tasks over the month. Go to for more on how to get your home organized so you can "fly!"
The storage pages are great because they are compatible with dry erase markers. As I complete items on my list, I can check them off. Next week, I will erase the checks, update the zone tag and start all over again.
Most of the stamping is from the Pemberley Workshop on the Go stamp set. The tags, flowers and scroll work are from the Art Philosophy Cricut cartridge.
The extra zone tags are stored in a 12" x 4" Memory Protector Flip Flap affixed on the back. How convenient!

 I've had a lot of fun planning and making this chore list. Now, I just need to execute and do the chores! We'll see...
Have a great day,