Stand Still

I really enjoyed listening to the keynote speaker at the convention was Stacy Jillian. Her message was to slow down and live life.

There were so many take aways, but I narrowed it down to two challenges that I'm going to focus on as I wind up a busy summer and prepare for an equally challenging fall:

1) Occasionally leave the camera at home (intentionally, not because I forgot it). Stepping out from behind the camera allows you to "be there". Recording the memory is not just about having pictures in an album. It is about telling the story.

2) Get rid of the guilt! Don't get depressed about how "behind" you are in your scrapbooks. That is missing the point. Your children may appreciate a simple, loving picture/text more than the "gift" of an entire life book album. (My 12 year old daughter verified this point.)

Follow this link to Stacy's blog (link) to watch the touching video she showed during her message. The song Stand Still by Hilary Weeks is a new favorite for me. Enjoy!
