Egypt Trip - DONE!

One week, 10 layouts!  I documented our 2002 trip to Egypt by squeezing in just a few minutes here and there. Studio J makes scrapbooking quick and easy with beautiful results.

I learned a lot about changing colors making these layouts. I needed lots of neutral papers, but I didn't want to use the same color and design combinations over and over. In Studio J, if you like the design on the paper, you can change it to any color you want.

I ordered prints this weekend and wanted to share them with you. But first, here's my top five reasons I love Studio J:
#5 - Creating layouts is super simple --- they almost make themselves
#4 - Digital journaling is so much easier than on paper
#3 - No set up and clean up needed
#2 - Can be done anywhere with an internet connection
#1 - How awesome they look!